Candle decimal to Pentane candela (10 candela power) (dec cd to 10 pent cd)
Candle decimal (Symbol or Abbreviation: dec cd)
Candle decimal is one of luminosity units. Candle decimal abbreviated or symbolized by dec cd. The value of 1 candle decimal is equal to 1 candle. In its relation with pentane candela (10 candela power), 1 candle decimal is equal to 0.1 pentane candela (10 candela power).
Relation with other units
1 candle decimal equals to 1 candle
1 candle decimal equals to 0.95 candle (German)
1 candle decimal equals to 0.96 candle (UK)
1 candle decimal equals to 1 candle (pentane)
1 candle decimal equals to 0.1 pentane candela (10 candela power)
1 candle decimal equals to 1.1111 candle hefner
1 candle decimal equals to 0.10406 carcel
1 candle decimal equals to 1 bougie decimal
1 candle decimal equals to 0.1 lumen/steradian
Pentane candela (10 candela power) (Symbol or Abbreviation: 10 pent cd)
Pentane candela (10 candela power) is one of luminosity units. Pentane candela (10 candela power) abbreviated or symbolized by 10 pent cd. The value of 1 pentane candela (10 candela power) is equal to 10 candle. In its relation with candle decimal, 1 pentane candela (10 candela power) is equal to 10 candle decimal.
Relation with other units
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 10 candle
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 9.5 candle (German)
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 9.6 candle (UK)
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 10 candle decimal
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 10 candle (pentane)
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 11.111 candle hefner
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 1.0406 carcel
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 10 bougie decimal
1 pentane candela (10 candela power) equals to 1 lumen/steradian
How to convert Candle decimal to Pentane candela (10 candela power) (dec cd to 10 pent cd):
Conversion Table for Candle decimal to Pentane candela (10 candela power) (dec cd to 10 pent cd)
candle decimal (dec cd) | pentane candela (10 candela power) (10 pent cd) |
0.01 dec cd | 0.001 10 pent cd |
0.1 dec cd | 0.01 10 pent cd |
1 dec cd | 0.1 10 pent cd |
2 dec cd | 0.2 10 pent cd |
3 dec cd | 0.3 10 pent cd |
4 dec cd | 0.4 10 pent cd |
5 dec cd | 0.5 10 pent cd |
6 dec cd | 0.6 10 pent cd |
7 dec cd | 0.7 10 pent cd |
8 dec cd | 0.8 10 pent cd |
9 dec cd | 0.9 10 pent cd |
10 dec cd | 1 10 pent cd |
20 dec cd | 2 10 pent cd |
25 dec cd | 2.5 10 pent cd |
50 dec cd | 5 10 pent cd |
75 dec cd | 7.5 10 pent cd |
100 dec cd | 10 10 pent cd |
250 dec cd | 25 10 pent cd |
500 dec cd | 50 10 pent cd |
750 dec cd | 75 10 pent cd |
1,000 dec cd | 100 10 pent cd |
100,000 dec cd | 10,000 10 pent cd |
1,000,000,000 dec cd | 100,000,000 10 pent cd |
1,000,000,000,000 dec cd | 100,000,000,000 10 pent cd |
Conversion Table for Pentane candela (10 candela power) to Candle decimal (10 pent cd to dec cd)
pentane candela (10 candela power) (10 pent cd) | candle decimal (dec cd) |
0.01 10 pent cd | 0.1 dec cd |
0.1 10 pent cd | 1 dec cd |
1 10 pent cd | 10 dec cd |
2 10 pent cd | 20 dec cd |
3 10 pent cd | 30 dec cd |
4 10 pent cd | 40 dec cd |
5 10 pent cd | 50 dec cd |
6 10 pent cd | 60 dec cd |
7 10 pent cd | 70 dec cd |
8 10 pent cd | 80 dec cd |
9 10 pent cd | 90 dec cd |
10 10 pent cd | 100 dec cd |
20 10 pent cd | 200 dec cd |
25 10 pent cd | 250 dec cd |
50 10 pent cd | 500 dec cd |
75 10 pent cd | 750 dec cd |
100 10 pent cd | 1,000 dec cd |
250 10 pent cd | 2,500 dec cd |
500 10 pent cd | 5,000 dec cd |
750 10 pent cd | 7,500 dec cd |
1,000 10 pent cd | 10,000 dec cd |
100,000 10 pent cd | 1,000,000 dec cd |
1,000,000,000 10 pent cd | 10,000,000,000 dec cd |
1,000,000,000,000 10 pent cd | 10,000,000,000,000 dec cd |
Steps to Convert Candle decimal to Pentane candela (10 candela power) (dec cd to 10 pent cd)
- Example: Convert 52 candle decimal to pentane candela (10 candela power) (52 dec cd to 10 pent cd).
- 1 candle decimal is equivalent to 0.1 pentane candela (10 candela power) (1 dec cd is equivalent to 0.1 10 pent cd).
- 52 candle decimal (dec cd) is equivalent to 52 times 0.1 pentane candela (10 candela power) (10 pent cd).
- Retrieved 52 candle decimal is equivalent to 5.2 pentane candela (10 candela power) (52 dec cd is equivalent to 5.2 10 pent cd).