Convert Celsius to Kelvin (°C to K)

Batch Convert
  • Celsius [oC]
  • Kelvin [K]
  • Celsius [oC]
  • Kelvin [K]

Celsius to Kelvin (oC to K)

Celsius (Symbol or Abbreviation: oC)

Celsius is one of temperature units. Celsius abbreviated or symbolized by oC. The value of 1 Celsius is equal to 274.15 Kelvin. In its relation with Kelvin, 1 Celsius is equal to 274.15 Kelvin.

Relation with other units

1 Celsius equals to 0.8 Réaumur

1 Celsius equals to 274.15 Kelvin

1 Celsius equals to 33.8 Fahrenheit

Kelvin (Symbol or Abbreviation: K)

Kelvin is one of temperature units. Kelvin abbreviated or symbolized by K. The value of 1 Kelvin is equal to 1 Kelvin. In its relation with Celsius, 1 Kelvin is equal to -272.15 Celsius.

Relation with other units

1 Kelvin equals to -272.15 Celsius

1 Kelvin equals to -217.72 Réaumur

1 Kelvin equals to -457.87 Fahrenheit

How to convert Celsius to Kelvin (oC to K):

Conversion Table for Celsius to Kelvin (oC to K)

Celsius (oC) Kelvin (K)
0.01 oC 273.16 K
0.1 oC 273.25 K
1 oC 274.15 K
2 oC 275.15 K
3 oC 276.15 K
4 oC 277.15 K
5 oC 278.15 K
6 oC 279.15 K
7 oC 280.15 K
8 oC 281.15 K
9 oC 282.15 K
10 oC 283.15 K
20 oC 293.15 K
25 oC 298.15 K
50 oC 323.15 K
75 oC 348.15 K
100 oC 373.15 K
250 oC 523.15 K
500 oC 773.15 K
750 oC 1,023.2 K
1,000 oC 1,273.2 K
100,000 oC 100,270 K
1,000,000,000 oC 1,000,000,000 K
1,000,000,000,000 oC 1,000,000,000,000 K

Conversion Table for Kelvin to Celsius (K to oC)

Kelvin (K) Celsius (oC)
0.01 K -273.14 oC
0.1 K -273.05 oC
1 K -272.15 oC
2 K -271.15 oC
3 K -270.15 oC
4 K -269.15 oC
5 K -268.15 oC
6 K -267.15 oC
7 K -266.15 oC
8 K -265.15 oC
9 K -264.15 oC
10 K -263.15 oC
20 K -253.15 oC
25 K -248.15 oC
50 K -223.15 oC
75 K -198.15 oC
100 K -173.15 oC
250 K -23.15 oC
500 K 226.85 oC
750 K 476.85 oC
1,000 K 726.85 oC
100,000 K 99,727 oC
1,000,000,000 K 1,000,000,000 oC
1,000,000,000,000 K 1,000,000,000,000 oC

Steps to Convert Celsius to Kelvin (oC to K)

  1. Example: Convert 75 Celsius to Kelvin (Convert 75 oC to K). Then:
    Convert 75 Celsius to Kelvin (Convert 75 <sup>o</sup>C to K)
    With x would be the value in Kelvin to find
  2. Multiplier for Celsius (oC) is 5, multiplier for Kelvin (K) is 5. Base value for Celsius (oC) is 0, for Kelvin (K) is 273.15
    Multiplier and base value for Celsius (<sup>o</sup>C) and Kelvin (K)
  3. Formula to convert Celsius to Kelvin (oC to K) is:
    Formula to convert Celsius to Kelvin (<sup>o</sup>C to K)
  4. 75 Celsius is equivalent to 348.15 Kelvin (75 oC is equivalent to 348.15 K). Or:
    75 Celsius is equivalent to 348.15 Kelvin (75 <sup>o</sup>C is equivalent to 348.15 K)
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