Kelvin to Celsius (K to oC)
Kelvin (Symbol or Abbreviation: K)
Kelvin is one of temperature units. Kelvin abbreviated or symbolized by K. The value of 1 Kelvin is equal to 1 Kelvin. In its relation with Celsius, 1 Kelvin is equal to -272.15 Celsius.
Relation with other units
1 Kelvin equals to -272.15 Celsius
1 Kelvin equals to -217.72 Réaumur
1 Kelvin equals to -457.87 Fahrenheit
Celsius (Symbol or Abbreviation: oC)
Celsius is one of temperature units. Celsius abbreviated or symbolized by oC. The value of 1 Celsius is equal to 274.15 Kelvin. In its relation with Kelvin, 1 Celsius is equal to 274.15 Kelvin.
Relation with other units
1 Celsius equals to 0.8 Réaumur
1 Celsius equals to 274.15 Kelvin
1 Celsius equals to 33.8 Fahrenheit
How to convert Kelvin to Celsius (K to oC):
Conversion Table for Kelvin to Celsius (K to oC)
Kelvin (K) | Celsius (oC) |
0.01 K | -273.14 oC |
0.1 K | -273.05 oC |
1 K | -272.15 oC |
2 K | -271.15 oC |
3 K | -270.15 oC |
4 K | -269.15 oC |
5 K | -268.15 oC |
6 K | -267.15 oC |
7 K | -266.15 oC |
8 K | -265.15 oC |
9 K | -264.15 oC |
10 K | -263.15 oC |
20 K | -253.15 oC |
25 K | -248.15 oC |
50 K | -223.15 oC |
75 K | -198.15 oC |
100 K | -173.15 oC |
250 K | -23.15 oC |
500 K | 226.85 oC |
750 K | 476.85 oC |
1,000 K | 726.85 oC |
100,000 K | 99,727 oC |
1,000,000,000 K | 1,000,000,000 oC |
1,000,000,000,000 K | 1,000,000,000,000 oC |
Conversion Table for Celsius to Kelvin (oC to K)
Celsius (oC) | Kelvin (K) |
0.01 oC | 273.16 K |
0.1 oC | 273.25 K |
1 oC | 274.15 K |
2 oC | 275.15 K |
3 oC | 276.15 K |
4 oC | 277.15 K |
5 oC | 278.15 K |
6 oC | 279.15 K |
7 oC | 280.15 K |
8 oC | 281.15 K |
9 oC | 282.15 K |
10 oC | 283.15 K |
20 oC | 293.15 K |
25 oC | 298.15 K |
50 oC | 323.15 K |
75 oC | 348.15 K |
100 oC | 373.15 K |
250 oC | 523.15 K |
500 oC | 773.15 K |
750 oC | 1,023.2 K |
1,000 oC | 1,273.2 K |
100,000 oC | 100,270 K |
1,000,000,000 oC | 1,000,000,000 K |
1,000,000,000,000 oC | 1,000,000,000,000 K |
Steps to Convert Kelvin to Celsius (K to oC)
- Example: Convert 75 Kelvin to Celsius (Convert 75 K to oC). Then:
- Multiplier for Kelvin (K) is 5, multiplier for Celsius (oC) is 5. Base value for Kelvin (K) is 273.15, for Celsius (oC) is 0
- Formula to convert Kelvin to Celsius (K to oC) is:
- 75 Kelvin is equivalent to -198.15 Celsius (75 K is equivalent to -198.15 oC). Or: